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Best Coffee Machine for the Board Room

Best Coffee Machine for the Board Room

Best Coffee Machine for the Board Room

Useful coffee machine guides 

Our website has you the customer in mind to help the decision and ordering process very simple and clear. It has very useful icons and symbols to help identify the capabilities of each machine but also how many office staff each system is suitable for.

A complete guide to help you choose a Coffee Machine for the Board Room

A good cup of coffee never goes amiss in the workplace; it goes without saying that employees will always appreciate a hot beverage to accompany them through the day. But for many companies, it is also just as important to be able to offer visiting clients and guests a hot drink.

The boardroom is a vital part of any company, where important decisions are made and plans are developed. It should be a hub of creativity and productivity where ideas flow and everyone is alert. If you are unprepared when it comes to refreshments in important meetings it can be a reflection of your company as a whole. For this reason, we’ve decided to put together this short guide to choosing the best coffee machine for your boardroom.

In this article we’ll look at what factors you should consider when finding a suitable coffee machine for your boardroom and we’ll advise you on some of the best models to consider. All businesses are unique and that’s why here at Wellbeing Group we are always happy to talk to businesses about their specific needs and requirements. Whether you’re looking to “wow” with the perfect cappuccino or invigorate with a lively espresso, we’ll be able to advise.

Coffee & Beverage Options

Here at Wellbeing Group we have a commercial coffee machine that offer a wide range of barista style beverage options, so you can deliver a variety of coffee shop drinks to your staff and visitors. We also have machines that are suitable for small, medium and large offices, to cope with the usage demands in any workplace.


– Americano, black and white espresso coffee

– Latte, Cappucino, Flat White, Cortado

– Hot Chocolate, Mocha

– Fresh leaf tea, herbal teas

Check out the coffee machine that’s rigth for you here

Commercial Coffee Machine

Who should be interested in the boardroom’s coffee machine?

Any company that wants to impress should consider a boardroom coffee machine. If you’re a manager, assistant or even an employee who sees the need for a hot drinks machine in your boardroom, then this concerns you. A quality coffee machine for your business should be thought of as a clever investment.

Why is the right coffee machine important in the boardroom?

A high quality coffee machine is an easy and effective way to impress clients. Offering a visitor a coffee-house style beverage will go much further than a mug of instant coffee. Beginning a conference by supplying refreshments sets the tone and builds a comfortable atmosphere.

Being unprepared when it comes to hot drinks in boardroom meetings can influence a client or visitor’s perception of the company. No coffee, or even bad coffee, can say a lot. It can be perceived as careless or cheap and won’t help to encourage any potential business partners to work with you.

Seeing as so much can be achieved with one simple drink, it is safe to say that it is pretty important to find the right machine for your company.

When should you consider the coffee machine for the boardroom?

There’s never a bad time to invest in a hot drinks station. You may have gotten by up until now with a kettle and a jar of instant coffee, but it will only take you so far. As your clientele grows and your business goals become larger, the refreshments should follow with it. For expanding businesses and high aspiring companies, it cannot be stressed how much of a worthwhile investment a coffee machine purchase is.

Office Coffee Machine
Office Boardroom

What factors should be taken into account?

When you begin your research, there are a few things to consider so you choose the best machine for your environment.

  • The price and method of payment is, of course, a driving factor. If you have a rough budget, this will help narrow down your search. Make sure your budget is realistic enough to get the right capacity machine for your needs though (but likewise, don’t unnecessarily overspend). It is helpful to look at the average price per cup against the number of coffees that will be consumed on a daily or weekly basis. Whilst it may be tempting to keep costs to a minimum it’s worth considering the growth of your company and the likelihood of having bigger clients visiting your boardroom.
  • Do you want to pay for the machine in one bulk payment or do you prefer to spread the cost in monthly instalments? Here at Wellbeing Group, we provide renting and leasing options to avoid one bulk payment. Although renting a machine means the equipment may not be officially ‘owned’ by you, rentals do have interesting benefits. Our rental agreements have the added benefit of providing free machine aftercare and maintenance. You are also able to upgrade your machine with more ease should the machine not meet your expectations  We are always happy to discuss the best option with you.

  • Coffee machines also require maintenance, accessories and cleaning products. Some of these extras are included in the cost, and some are charged extra, so it is advised to factor these in when deciding on your budget to avoid any surprise costs.

A word to the wise; watch out for companies that simply sell you a machine then leave you in the lurch! Some businesses may pounce at a ‘quick sale’ and then leave you hanging in terms of aftercare and support. Many online firms just contract out installations and servicing to third party engineers, resulting in control and personal service being lost. We give free comprehensive training and offer aftercare for our machines to ensure you get the most out of them.

Being an experienced, family owned and run business, we can offer you genuine advice e and have gained a strong reputation for a fast and friendly service. We have built up long-lasting relationships with our customers who trust us for our strong experience and high quality service.

  • What do you and your colleagues require from the machine? Coffee machines can offer a variety of drinks. Your colleagues may be after some hot chocolate or a cuppa, while you crave that strong black coffee! Britain is known for its love of tea, so a machine that offers a variety of hot beverages is definitely advantageous. Whilst it’s easy to assume visiting clients will want coffee, it’s never guaranteed. Perhaps your biggest lead may want coffee syrups or hot chocolate. Why not wow them and edge above your competitors by being able to provide it? In doing so you’ve got a foot in the door and are on your way to making a sale.


  • Wastage and energy consumption shouldn’t be overlooked. Certain systems will be more efficient than others. For example, the coffee pods used in some machines can’t be recycled. Some systems may have energy efficient modes when they are inactive. It very much depends on how much use the drinks station will get and the type of visitors that are likely to be in the boardroom. As ethical and environmental companies continue to gain popularity, ignoring this market or – worse still – presenting them with a cheap non-recyclable cup or non-degradable straw could be a simple mistake to make.


  • The boardroom coffee machine needs to be quick and efficient as possible. No premium time should be wasted on making coffees. No client wants to be left waiting for an extended period just to get a drink. You should also enquire about the noise levels that come from a particular machine, so as to minimise distraction.

Where should the machine be located?

If you have found a machine that performs quickly and quietly, then your machine should be placed in the boardroom, in full view. An attractive coffee machine can be somewhat of a showpiece. Build up the overall appearance of your boardroom by creating a comprehensive style.


Once purchased, it’s very important that the machine is properly installed. We recommend getting a fully insured professional to install your machine. Here at Wellbeing Group, we offer free installation with every coffee machine purchase. Our in-house engineers can install whenever best suits your company – we have even done same day and overnight installs in some cases!

You can browse our range of Coffee Machines to select your favourite. Get in touch with our friendly knowledgeable sales team who can advise on the best options based on your specifications. 01905 337187

Office Coffee Culture

Where does coffee originate from?

Where does coffee originate from?

Boiling Water Taps

Water Dispensers

Coffee Machines

Vending Machines

Coffee & Consumables

Service & Maintenance

Where does coffee orginate from?

The History of Coffee 

We drink coffee every day, but do you know where it orginated from?

The exact origin of coffee has mixed beliefs of where it comes from but we do know coffee grown around the world can be traced back to coffee forests in Ethiopia.

The story goes that a goat herder Kaldi first discovered the potential of these precious beans which has changed the world forever.  Kaldi noticed that his goats became much more energetic after he saw them eating cherries from a certain tree.

Kaldi reported his findings to the abbot of the local monastery, who in turn, threw the cherries into a fire thinking they were some kind of evil drug.  There the first coffee beans were roasted and another member collected the beans and made a drink with them and found that it kept him alert through the long hours of evening prayer. He shared his discovery with the other monks at the monastery, and knowledge of the energizing cherries began to spread.

As word moved east and coffee reached the Arabian peninsula, it began a journey which would bring these beans across the globe.

Arabia jumps onto the coffee culture

Coffee cultivation and trade began on the Arabian Peninsula.  By the 15th century, coffee was being grown in the Yemeni district of Arabia and by the 16th century it was known in Persia, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey.

Coffee was not only enjoyed in homes, but also in the many public coffee houses – which began to appear in cities across the Near East. The popularity of the coffee houses was unequalled and people frequented them for all kinds of social activity.

Not only did the patrons drink coffee and engage in conversation, but they also listened to music, watched performers, played chess and kept current on the news.  Coffee houses quickly became such an important centre for the exchange of information that they were often referred to as “Schools of the Wise.”

With thousands of pilgrims visiting the holy city of Mecca each year from all over the world, knowledge of this “wine of Araby” began to spread.

Coffee Plant
Coffee Farmer

Coffee comes to Europe

European travellers to the Near East brought back stories of an unusual dark black beverage. By the 17th century, coffee had made its way to Europe and was becoming popular across the continent.

Some people reacted to this new beverage with suspicion or fear, calling it the “bitter invention of Satan.” The local clergy condemned coffee when it came to Venice in 1615. The controversy was so great that Pope Clement VIII was asked to intervene. He decided to taste the beverage for himself before making a decision, and found the drink so satisfying that he gave it papal approval.

Despite such controversy, coffee houses were quickly becoming centres of social activity and communication in the major cities of England, Austria, France, Germany and Holland. In England “penny universities” sprang up, so called because for the price of a penny one could purchase a cup of coffee and engage in stimulating conversation.

Coffee began to replace the common breakfast drink beverages of the time — beer and wine. Those who drank coffee instead of alcohol began the day alert and energized, and not surprisingly, the quality of their work was greatly improved. (We like to think of this a precursor to the modern office coffee machine.)

By the mid-17th century, there were over 300 coffee houses in London, many of which attracted like-minded patrons, including merchants, shippers, brokers and artists.

Many businesses grew out of these specialized coffee houses. Lloyd’s of London, for example, came into existence at the Edward Lloyd’s Coffee House.

Coffee introduced to the Americans

In the mid-1600’s, coffee was brought to New Amsterdam, later called New York by the British.

Though coffee houses rapidly began to appear, tea continued to be the favoured drink in the New World until 1773, when the colonists revolted against a heavy tax on tea imposed by King George III. The revolt, known as the Boston Tea Party, would forever change the American drinking preference to coffee.

In 1714, the Mayor of Amsterdam presented a gift of a young coffee plant to King Louis XIV of France. The King ordered it to be planted in the Royal Botanical Garden in Paris. In 1723, a young naval officer, Gabriel de Clieu obtained a seedling from the King’s plant. Despite a challenging voyage — complete with horrendous weather, a saboteur who tried to destroy the seedling, and a pirate attack — he managed to transport it safely to Martinique.

Once planted, the seedling not only thrived, but it’s credited with the spread of over 18 million coffee trees on the island of Martinique in the next 50 years. Even more incredible is that this seedling was the parent of all coffee trees throughout the Caribbean, South and Central America.

The famed Brazilian coffee owes its existence to Francisco de Mello Palheta, who was sent by the emperor to French Guiana to get coffee seedlings. The French were not willing to share, but the French Governor’s wife, captivated by his good looks, gave him a large bouquet of flowers before he left— buried inside were enough coffee seeds to begin what is today a billion-dollar industry.

Missionaries and travelers, traders and colonists continued to carry coffee seeds to new lands, and coffee trees were planted worldwide. Plantations were established in magnificent tropical forests and on rugged mountain highlands. Some crops flourished, while others were short-lived. New nations were established on coffee economies. Fortunes were made and lost. By the end of the 18th century, coffee had become one of the world’s most profitable export crops. After crude oil, coffee is the most sought commodity in the world.

Coffee Region

Coffee Plantations sprang up around the world

As demand for the beverage continued to spread, there was fierce competition to cultivate coffee outside of Arabia.

The Dutch finally got seedlings in the latter half of the 17th century. Their first attempts to plant them in India failed, but they were successful with their efforts in Batavia, on the island of Java in what is now Indonesia.

The plants thrived and soon the Dutch had a productive and growing trade in coffee. They then expanded the cultivation of coffee trees to the islands of Sumatra and Celebes.


So here we are today, drinking 95 million cups of coffee every day in the UK, we have a lot of ancestors to be thankful for!  The coffee industry is constantly evolving and we are always seeking to ensure that we only source from plantations that are sustainable.


Office Coffee Culture

Coffee machines for hospitals, the perfect solution!

Coffee machines for hospitals, the perfect solution!

Coffee Machines for Hospitals, the perfect solution!

Wellbeing Group has unveiled new contactless touchscreen technology for coffee machines, designed to reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses in a post Covid-19 world.  This new technology is the ultimate solution for coffee machines for hospitals whether it’s in a public area or a hospital staff room.

Partnering with leading manufacturers has allowed us to bring this technology to the market place to help offices and hospitals reduce touch points on their hot drink making facilities.

The touchless technology, known as ‛distance selection’, allows the user to select their drink from 2cms away from the screen – without physically touching it!

The system forms part of Wellbeing Group’s long-term ambition to make tea points safer, cleaner and healthier.

So which coffee machines is this technology available on and which coffee machines are most suited for the healthcare environment?

The Aviano bean to cup coffee machine has the touchless technology and would be suitable for hospital staff rooms.  This would allow staff to quickly make drinks between shifts and reduce the need to wipe the machine after each use, saving costs of wipes and the environmental impact.

If a payment system is required, a Nayax contactless system can be fitted or otherwise, a simple coin module can be fitted to the side of the machine to take coins and tokens.

Office Coffee Machine
Coffee Break

For communal hospital area, the Aviano Maxi would be a good option as it is suited for high volume areas with its huge ingredient canisters.  This machine can be supplied with a base cabinet for the coffee waste to fall through into.  This coffee machine also has the touch free option so users can avoid touching the screen when they choose their hot drink.

We have supplied coffee machines and water cooler to many NHS trusts throughout the UK, including the Worcestershire NHS, Gloucestershire NHS, Hospitals in the South West, Wales and South Coast.  We have several packages available to suit any NHS requirement with special ingredient packages thrown in as a gesture to allow free drinks to be served when the machine is installed.  We are used the invoicing procedures of the NHS and a dedicated account manager is at hand to ensure we meet the requirements to help both parties avoid delays on payment and reduce admin times.

To find out more about coffee machines for hospitals or to get a quote, please feel free to contact one of our friendly team team.

Useful coffee machine guides 

Our website has you the customer in mind to help the decision and ordering process very simple and clear. It has very useful icons and symbols to help identify the capabilities of each machine but also how many office staff each system is suitable for.

For our design and fit out and facilities management customers, we have also provided a clear breakdown of each coffee machine’s energy performance capabilities, dimensions and the requirements for installation, power and water supply. And of course a breakdown of purchase and lease pricing, for which we offer flexible payments plans. If there is still anything you happen to be unsure about you can still speak to our experts in a our service team to help you figure out the best coffee machine for your workplace.

Commercial Coffee Machines
Office Coffee Machines

Coffee & Beverage Options

Here at Wellbeing Group we have a commercial coffee machine that offer a wide range of barista style beverage options, so you can deliver a variety of coffee shop drinks to your staff and visitors. We also have machines that are suitable for small, medium and large offices, to cope with the usage demands in any workplace.


– Americano, black and white espresso coffee

– Latte, Cappucino, Flat White, Cortado

– Hot Chocolate, Mocha

– Fresh leaf tea, herbal teas

Check out the coffee machine that’s rigth for you here

Commercial Coffee Machine

You can browse our range of Coffee Machines to select your favourite. Get in touch with our friendly knowledgeable sales team who can advise on the best options based on your specifications. 01905 337187

Best Coffee Machine for Large Offices

Best Coffee Machine for Large Offices

Boiling Water Taps

Water Dispensers

Coffee Machines

Vending Machines

Coffee & Consumables

Service & Maintenance

Best Coffee Machine for Large Offices?

The best office coffee machine depends entirely on your needs, requirements, number of staff and other factors. We stock commercial coffee machines from all the market leaders on the market, including Coffetek, Jura, Cimbali and Lavazza. All have reputation for quality, reliability, value for money and being able to deliver consistent quality coffee in every cup.

Browse the entire range of office coffee machines or chat to a member of our sales team for advise on the best coffee machine for your workplace. 01905 337187

Why Bean to Cup Machines Are Great For Large Offices

Bean to Cup Coffee Machines are probably the most satisfying type of machine, as they produce coffee shop quality coffee at the touch of a button. They are impressive and durable and almost everybody will be able to find a drink to satisfy them. Bean to Cup Machines create such a buzz, and quite rightly so because it is like having a full time barista in your office!


With these systems, there is no need to pack or grind the coffee beans yourself and maintenance is simple; although some light maintenance is required to ensure you get the best out of it. The routine would include topping up the ingredient canisters and emptying the coffee grouts bin and the drip tray.


These systems serve the classic crowd pleasers – cappuccinos and lattes. If you do opt for a bean to cup option, we recommend you look out for hot drinks machines that provide both fresh espresso coffee and real leaf tea.


For smaller offices, the Arezzo is also a wonderful machine with 6 drinks on its menu: Americano, cappuccino, espresso, hot chocolate, latte, mocha, as well as hot water. If a mains water feed isn’t possible, it can be plumbed in which is a handy option for a lot of workplaces.


However, our favourites, best suited to larger offices are as follows:

  • The Aviano Dual is a proven bestseller thanks to its attractive design and multiple options. We really love the fact it includes real leaf tea. Its angular touch screen makes it very easy to use so it’s well suited to visitors and first-time users as well as employees. This particular model is suitable for around 70 employees and will make around 250 cups a day.
  • The Aviano Maxi range is an ideal machine for offices with up to 100 members of staff. This machine combines fresh coffee, hot chocolate and milk options. It is an overall winner for larger offices. Its appeal comes from its canisters that are the same size as floor standing vending machines and it also boasts an attractive size, which means you won’t have to top it up too often. Drinks are made and served quickly and it has an external waste kit option that allows the liquid waste to be attached to the mains waste.
  • A reliable favourite of ours is the Cimbali S20 Simple to use, durable and attractive, this machine makes barista-style coffee. It makes around 250 cups and is great for companies with around 80 employees. We love the fact that this utilises fresh milk, providing the ultimate fresh coffee experience in the office.  
  • The Cimbali S30 is probably one of the most impressive machines. It brings coffee in the workplace to a whole new level. It can make around 400 cups a day and is easily suited to a business of 150 employees. Professional features such as the fresh milk options (hot and cold, froth etc.) and steam control revitalises the standard coffee machines you find in most offices. This machine is attractive and boasts an 8.4” digital touch display and a stylish stainless steel brewing unit. If you are looking for an exciting piece of kit and premium drinks, then this machine will not disappoint.

Coffee Machine Considerations 

Our range of commercial coffee machines provide a sleek, stylish addition for any workplace environment, with the latest technology to deliver high quality hot beverages to your employees at the touch of a button.

There are a number of important points to consider when specifying, but it’s worth starting with the following questions:

1. What type of coffee dispense and drink drink options do you require?

Depending on what type of coffee you are looking to purchase will determine what type of coffee machine is right for you. We offer Bean To Cup, Instant, Filter Brew and Filter Pack coffee machines. Bean To Cup are become the most popular as they are able to create a more barista style coffee taste and quality.

2. How many different variaties of drinks would you like your coffee machine to produce?

You may wish to provide offering your staff and guests a greater range of coffee shop style speciality beverages. We have machine that can produce classic barista coffees such as; Lattes, Cappucinos and Flat Whites. We also offer machines with the addition of chocolate to create a Mocha or a creamy hot chocolate drink. Let’s not forgot the tea lovers! We also have coffee machien with a built in tea brewer, which delivers a fresh tea leaf cuppa.

3. How many people will be using a coffee machine in your office?

Our range of coffee machines are available in different capacities to cope with the demand of any office big or small. Our helpful icons on our website help identity each products capacities by the number of staff you have in your offices.

Office Coffee Machine
Instant Coffee Machines

Useful coffee machine guides 

Our website has you the customer in mind to help the decision and ordering process very simple and clear. It has very useful icons and symbols to help identify the capabilities of each machine but also how many office staff each system is suitable for.

For our design and fit out and facilities management customers, we have also provided a clear breakdown of each coffee machine’s energy performance capabilities, dimensions and the requirements for installation, power and water supply. And of course a breakdown of purchase and lease pricing, for which we offer flexible payments plans. If there is still anything you happen to be unsure about you can still speak to our experts in a our service team to help you figure out the best coffee machine for your workplace.

Commercial Coffee Machines
Office Coffee Machines

Coffee & Beverage Options

Here at Wellbeing Group we have a commercial coffee machine that offer a wide range of barista style beverage options, so you can deliver a variety of coffee shop drinks to your staff and visitors. We also have machines that are suitable for small, medium and large offices, to cope with the usage demands in any workplace.


– Americano, black and white espresso coffee

– Latte, Cappucino, Flat White, Cortado

– Hot Chocolate, Mocha

– Fresh leaf tea, herbal teas

Check out the coffee machine that’s rigth for you here

Commercial Coffee Machine

You can browse our range of Coffee Machines to select your favourite. Get in touch with our friendly knowledgeable sales team who can advise on the best options based on your specifications. 01905 337187

Office Coffee Culture

Office Coffee Culture On The Rise

Office Coffee Culture On The Rise

Boiling Water Taps

Water Dispensers

Coffee Machines

Vending Machines

Coffee & Consumables

Service & Maintenance

Coffee culture on the rise in the workplace

There’s no getting away from the café culture that has become firmly integrated into the modern workplace, the role of coffee has undoubtedly become the social glue in the office environment, and with many of us spending our working week split between the office and home, the moments of pleasure in our day and the social interactions they can provide seem even more important. It’s more than just a caffeine hit – it gives us an excuse to gather and can even help give structure to the day. Considering this, we wanted to understand the wider impacts and trends around office coffee culture now and in the future.

With 25% of coffee being consumed in the workplace, it’s important to ensure that you have the right ways and means to provide a suitable solution for your workforce.

Many modern workplaces have a designated coffee lounge, whilst this helps create a homely atmosphere, it also provides a convenient location for smaller meetings.  We have worked with many designers and contractors to create the ultimate workplace coffee cultures.  Remember, good coffee goes a long way.  At a low cost per cup, it can create such a buzz in the office when there is high street quality coffee readily available.

At Wellbeing Group, we’re here to help you get this right. With so many options available from barista style coffee machines to push button bean to cup machines, it can an almost be overwhelming trying to find a route to explore.

Form Over Function 

Coffee was always seen as serving a purpose and a functional beverage to give us a perk and get us through the day, it was more of a habit, or a mechanical instinct. Now, people are tailoring and refining their tastes becoming more educated on taste profiles and serving styles. Coffee is now a lifestyle product, it is now a drink that is desired rather than simply consumed and new standards bring new expectations.

Social Nectar 

The impact can be seen in new office builds, as companies are keen to create café style social break-out and refreshment spaces to impress employees and visitors with higher quality refreshment facilities, where traditionally, more formal and sterile reception or canteen areas might have been. This will install a sea of change around the office space and alter the landscape of workplace culture in the future.

Employee Value Proposition

Bringing people back to the office who are comfortable at home could be a challenge. There’s also an increasing range of potential competition, with flexible co-working spaces becoming increasingly popular, offering a space that combines the work and hospitality increasingly. Workplaces will need to recognise that their employees and other stakeholders will want to work or hold meetings away from the office in the facilities are no longer fit for purpose culturally and from a quality perspective to provide a level of quality that meets new expectations.

Wellbeing & Community 

A study found that 80% of employees had higher morale and were more motivated to do their best work when provided with simple perks like fresh, free gourmet coffee and tea, and felt that the provision of high quality coffee at work was an indication that their wellbeing mattered to their employer – Many forward thinking companies want to be seen to be offering ‘work perks’ and employee wellbeing for many companies now form a big part of their company ethos and is often promoted outwardly as much as projects and case studies. The dynamic between employers and employees has become much more of a two-way relationship and companies must be able to articulate what they can offer to employees, rather than it all being about what the individual is bringing to a company.

Staff Welfare
Office Coffee Culture


Buying behaviour has began to massively shift to a more considered pattern among consumers, especially around produce and food. Coffee drinkers are especially keen to learn about the origins and which coffee can have the biggest positive impact on Fairtrade communities in coffee growing regions locally –  As forward thinking companies want to become more aligned with sustainable values, they are much more likely to purchase coffee for the office that meets the image they practice in their customer facing proposition.

The Decaf Trend

Here at Wellbeing Group we are looking to dispel the myth that decaf coffee equals poorer flavour. With a trends towards health and wellbeing becoming more and more elevated, there should be a quality decaf option for those looking to consume coffee for the great taste without the caffeine boost. Our Fairtrade Organic Decaf 100% Arabica, from the Andean Mountain of Peru has been sourced to provide exactly this.

Brand Representation

A company’s coffee offering has the potential to help shape its external image as well as making employees feel valued – Being able to offer high-quality hospitality to all stakeholders and visitors has the ability to install and leave favourable lasting impressions and forms a positive narrative about how a company looks after it’s people.

Looking To The Future 

The pandemic and lockdown has fast-tracked the inevitability and acceptance of flexible and remote working. Coffee can play a major role in encouraging people to spend more time together again in the office and central to the culture a workplace can cultivate, the moments of pleasure in our daily routines seem even more important, It’s more than just a caffeine hit, but the vehicle through which to gather and collaborate. Co-working spaces are mastering this and it feels like if the office is going to continue to appeal as we move into the remote working world it needs to evolve and embrace the culture that coffee can spearhead.

Our range of Bean To Cup Coffee Machines, are a great addition to any workplace or office environment, a great way to introduce a better quality of hot beverage facilities and install a better culture and wellbeing among your employees.

Office Coffee Machine

Office Coffee Machine Considerations 

Our range of commercial coffee machines provide a sleek, stylish addition for any workplace environment, with the latest technology to deliver high quality hot beverages to your employees at the touch of a button.

There are a number of important points to consider when specifying, but it’s worth starting with the following questions:

1. What type of coffee dispense and drink drink options do you require?

Depending on what type of coffee you are looking to purchase will determine what type of coffee machine is right for you. We offer Bean To Cup, Instant, Filter Brew and Filter Pack coffee machines. Bean To Cup are become the most popular as they are able to create a more barista style coffee taste and quality.

2. How many different variaties of drinks would you like your coffee machine to produce?

You may wish to provide offering your staff and guests a greater range of coffee shop style speciality beverages. We have machine that can produce classic barista coffees such as; Lattes, Cappucinos and Flat Whites. We also offer machines with the addition of chocolate to create a Mocha or a creamy hot chocolate drink. Let’s not forgot the tea lovers! We also have coffee machien with a built in tea brewer, which delivers a fresh tea leaf cuppa.

3. How many people will be using a coffee machine in your office?

Our range of coffee machines are available in different capacities to cope with the demand of any office big or small. Our helpful icons on our website help identity each products capacities by the number of staff you have in your offices.

Coffee & Beverage Options

Here at Wellbeing Group we have a commercial coffee machine that offer a wide range of barista style beverage options, so you can deliver a variety of coffee shop drinks to your staff and visitors. We also have machines that are suitable for small, medium and large offices, to cope with the usage demands in any workplace.


– Americano, black and white espresso coffee

– Latte, Cappucino, Flat White, Cortado

– Hot Chocolate, Mocha

– Fresh leaf tea, herbal teas


Commercial Coffee Machine

You can browse our range of Coffee Machines to select your favourite. Get in touch with our friendly knowledgeable sales team who can advise on the best options based on your specifications. 01905 337187

Office Coffee Culture

Coffee machines for hospitals, the perfect solution!

Top 6 Touchless Coffee Machines for your Office

Boiling Water Taps

Water Dispensers

Coffee Machines

Vending Machines

Coffee & Consumables

Service & Maintenance

Top 6 Touchless Coffee Machines for Your Office

Touchless Coffee Machine Innovation

Top 6 Touchless Coffee Machines for your Office is a guide as there are a few aspects to consider when looking for a touchless coffee machine that you can select your drink without touching the actual machine itself.  Some machines allow the coffee machine to connect to an app on your phone so you can order your drinks without touching the machine and others have special touch screen technology where you can select your drink from 2cms away from the screen!

The downside to using a hands free coffee machine with an app on your phone, is that it takes longer to make a drink by the time you get your phone out, open the app and make your selection.  You also still have to be in close proximity to the machine to put your cup in place, and communication with nearby users is required to avoid the possibility of clashing Bluetooth signals when making drinks.  Our touchless technology is much more convenient as you don’t need your phone and it can be retro fitted to some models of coffee machines.

Reviews of Commercial Touch Free Coffee Machines

#1 Aviano Bean to Cup Coffee machine:
  • Touchless technology and app available
  • With a massive variety of drinks this machine has brand new technology which incorporates Distance Selection technology in to its screen, allowing users to choose their drink without having to physically touch the machine.
  • Much quicker than using an app on your phone, although there is an app available if the user prefers.
  • Low cost per cup and average initial outlay.
#2 Aviano Instant Coffee Machine:
  • Touchless technology and app available
  • Very fast dispense speed, ideal for scenarios where offices are using standard instant coffee and hot water as it removes a lot of touch points.
  • Low cost per cup and low initial outlay.
Aviano Instant
#3 Jura Giga X8 Bean to Cup Coffee Machine:
  • J.O.E App available to connect phone to coffee machine via smart connect Bluetooth connection
  • Coffee shop quality, fresh milk drinks
  • Low cost per cup and average initial outlay.
  • Two grinders allowing choice of two types of coffee, one of which is usually a decaf coffee.
Jura Giga X8 Pro
#4 Jura JX8 Bean to Cup Coffee Machine
  • Coffee shop quality, fresh milk drinks
  • One grinder and manual fill 5L water tank.
  • Low cost per cup and low initial outlay.
  • Ideal for smaller offices or to increase the amount of gathering areas in an office to help keep employees spread out.
Jura Giga X8 Pro
#5 Arezzo Maxi Bean to cup Coffee machine
  • The idea of having several smaller coffee machines in an office instead of one larger machine is an interesting way to help with social distancing by reducing the amount of users per tea point.
  • This smaller bean to cup coffee machine called the Arezzo which is becoming increasingly popular for this very matter as it can be plumbed into the mains or manually filled with a 4L water tank.
  • Has a great selection of drinks and whilst it doesn’t have a touch free screen, there is an app becoming available which will allow drinks to be ordered from your phone.
  • The cost per cup of this machine is low and so is the initial outlay.
Jura Giga X8 Pro
#6 Messina Hot Drinks Vending Machine
  • For higher volume areas, able to offer more capacity, our range of vending machines are also available with the same touch free coffee machine technology.
  • Bean to cup and instant ingredient machines versions available
  • State of the art sleek aesthetics, touch screen panel.
  • British made, ensures very durable and functional machines.
Messina Dual

The best office coffee machine depends entirely on your needs, requirements, number of staff and other factors. We stock commercial coffee machines from all the market leaders on the market, including Coffetek, Jura, Cimbali and Lavazza. All have reputation for quality, reliability, value for money and being able to deliver consistent quality coffee in every cup.

Browse the entire range of office coffee machines or chat to a member of our sales team for advise on the best coffee machine for your workplace. 01905 337187

Coffee Machine Considerations 

Our range of commercial coffee machines provide a sleek, stylish addition for any workplace environment, with the latest technology to deliver high quality hot beverages to your employees at the touch of a button.

There are a number of important points to consider when specifying, but it’s worth starting with the following questions:

1. What type of coffee dispense and drink drink options do you require?

Depending on what type of coffee you are looking to purchase will determine what type of coffee machine is right for you. We offer Bean To Cup, Instant, Filter Brew and Filter Pack coffee machines. Bean To Cup are become the most popular as they are able to create a more barista style coffee taste and quality.

2. How many different variaties of drinks would you like your coffee machine to produce?

You may wish to provide offering your staff and guests a greater range of coffee shop style speciality beverages. We have machine that can produce classic barista coffees such as; Lattes, Cappucinos and Flat Whites. We also offer machines with the addition of chocolate to create a Mocha or a creamy hot chocolate drink. Let’s not forgot the tea lovers! We also have coffee machien with a built in tea brewer, which delivers a fresh tea leaf cuppa.

3. How many people will be using a coffee machine in your office?

Our range of coffee machines are available in different capacities to cope with the demand of any office big or small. Our helpful icons on our website help identity each products capacities by the number of staff you have in your offices.

Office Coffee Machine
Instant Coffee Machines

Useful coffee machine guides 

Our website has you the customer in mind to help the decision and ordering process very simple and clear. It has very useful icons and symbols to help identify the capabilities of each machine but also how many office staff each system is suitable for.

For our design and fit out and facilities management customers, we have also provided a clear breakdown of each coffee machine’s energy performance capabilities, dimensions and the requirements for installation, power and water supply. And of course a breakdown of purchase and lease pricing, for which we offer flexible payments plans. If there is still anything you happen to be unsure about you can still speak to our experts in a our service team to help you figure out the best coffee machine for your workplace.

Commercial Coffee Machines
Office Coffee Machines

Coffee & Beverage Options

Here at Wellbeing Group we have a commercial coffee machine that offer a wide range of barista style beverage options, so you can deliver a variety of coffee shop drinks to your staff and visitors. We also have machines that are suitable for small, medium and large offices, to cope with the usage demands in any workplace.


– Americano, black and white espresso coffee

– Latte, Cappucino, Flat White, Cortado

– Hot Chocolate, Mocha

– Fresh leaf tea, herbal teas


Commercial Coffee Machine

You can browse our range of Coffee Machines to select your favourite. Get in touch with our friendly knowledgeable sales team who can advise on the best options based on your specifications. 01905 337187

Office Coffee Culture