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International Coffee Day – Women in Coffee

International Coffee Day – Women in Coffee

International Coffee Day – Women in Coffee

Many countries around the world celebrate their own National Coffee Days at various times throughout the year. In Brazil, the biggest coffee producer, it is celebrated on 24th May. In the USA it’s 29th September. Here at Wellbeing Group, we believe every day is a good day for celebrating our favourite hot beverage. However, to try and unify all these celebrations across the globe, the member countries of the International Coffee Organization and their coffee associations chose 1st October as International Coffee Day! This year we have decided to dedicate the ocasion to celebrate all the women in coffee – Women play a vital important role in the coffee chain from planting the seeds to trading and sourcing to brewing. Have you ever thought about how much work goes in for you to be able to drink your daily cuppa?

Over the past fifty years, coffee shop fever has swept the UK. Once a nation of tea lovers, the UK now spends £6.2 billion a year in shops and drinks an estimated 95 million cups of coffee in just one day. There are a staggering 16,500 coffee bars in Britain, and in spite of the current financial climate, coffee shops are one sector that continues to boom while other businesses struggle. Once viewed as an expensive luxury, coffee shops are now seen as an affordable treat. Appealing to both men and women, families, individuals, and everyone from students to business people and pensioners – coffee shops are truly universal in their appeal. The boom in coffee shops in part was brought about by more working women having money to spend, creating a demand for an affordable yet luxury-style coffee.

Gender equality in the coffee industry 

Despite being a driving force behind the demand for coffee shops in the UK, women are massively under-represented in the coffee industry. Despite a “data gap” regarding gender equality in the coffee chain, what data there is shows that there is a lot of room for growth for equality in the industry.

For our design and fit out and facilities management customers, we have also provided a clear breakdown of each coffee machine’s energy performance capabilities, dimensions and the requirements for installation, power and water supply. And of course a breakdown of purchase and lease pricing, for which we offer flexible payments plans. If there is still anything you happen to be unsure about you can still speak to our experts in a our service team to help you figure out the best coffee machine for your workplace.

Women In Coffee

Field work for women in the coffee industry

A 2008 analysis by the International Trade Centre shows that women are highly present in fieldwork, harvesting, in the sorting of coffee beans, and other manual work. A more recent study in 2016 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) showed that even though women made up 43% of the agricultural labour force in developing countries, this all came from basic field work. Women undertaking this work receive lower wages and fewer entitlements than their male co-workers doing the same work. To date, women have been barely present in trading, exporting, analysis or lab work. Decision-making and business roles are reserved for men, while women are employed in dead-end labourer roles.

Women & coffee plantation ownership

The 2008 study also indicated another disadvantage; far fewer women-owned coffee plantations. While they make up a majority of the labour workers, approximately only 15% of coffee plantations are owned by women. The reason for this can be explained in an even more shocking study on gender equality in the coffee industry in 2015. This study revealed that in many countries where coffee is grown, the laws either completely prevent or limit the amount of land a woman can own, preventing them from ever owning coffee plantations.

Working conditions for women in the coffee industry 

The same study also found that, even though they receive lower wages, women on average worked 15-hour shifts, while their male coworkers worked an average of 8-hour shifts. Women also have reduced access to resources such as healthcare and education compared to men.

Nick Watson, the coffee-sector adviser with the International Trade Centre says, “Social norms often discriminate against women in rural areas leading to disproportionate land and asset ownership; household and income decision making; time and labour distribution; access to information and training; and participation and leadership in rural organisations or as registered suppliers to agribusinesses.”

Further research has also shown that women, and even child workers, are often the victims of assault. One study has shown that 25% of labourers on a coffee plantation have experienced some kind of assault while working there. The under-representation of women in management means there is little or no support or protection of female plantation workers or their rights. Women who are victims of these crimes reportedly stay silent due to fear of reprisal.

Women in coffee in Europe and the US 


Gender equality isn’t just limited to the coffee plantations and traders in these countries. We may have laws in place that better protect women’s rights, but there is still a gender gap even in coffee shops in Europe and the US.

Looking at the division of labour, once again while there are equal opportunities for women to become a barista, women are under-represented in management. Similar to the coffee plantations, female baristas are paid less, have reduced job stability, and are at high risk of harassment, discrimination, and more.

Even female barista themselves are under-represented at events such as barista championships. In the 18 years the World Barista Championship has been running it’s never been won by a female, and the same pattern is seen in coffee roasting championships.

The outlook for women in the coffee industry 


According to the World Economic Forum (WEF) it will be another 100 years before men and women achieve social equality, and over 200 years before men and women achieve total financial equality. It’s a long way away, but it is being facilitated by a number of women’s organisations working to try and improve equality in the coffee industry across the globe.

By enforcing gender inequality, many coffee farmers are actually closing themselves off to a variety of benefits. Currently, it’s estimated that eliminating the resources gap between men and women and allowing women equal access to agricultural resources would increase the yields on women’s farms by 20% to 30% and increase agricultural production in developing countries by up to 4%.

The International Women’s Coffee Alliance (IWCA) works in collaboration with the United Nations (UN) and the International Trade Centre to help build a network of female coffee workers throughout East Africa, in order to overcome challenges such as lack of land ownership, financial resources, and access to education and healthcare.

Growing Women In Coffee is another project empowering women in the coffee industry, part of which included the launch of a brand of coffee entirely grown and produced by women. When Growing Women in Coffee was first established, they asked the female workers what it was they felt they needed. They found that women were often left to collect wood for the kitchen that produces meals for the workers. By investing in a biogas cooker, the women were quickly freed up to spend more time collecting beans, increasing the yield of the farm. This is just one of many positive changes they’ve invested in by listening to the female workforce.

The success of these projects do not rely on women solely however, many organisations emphasise the importance of educating both men and women, especially where patriarchal traditions are still in place. They want to get men onside and understanding the importance of including and valuing women in their workforce, especially at a decision making and financial level.

Meanwhile, organisations like Barista Connect focus on inspiring and empowering women in the coffee industry. They run networking events where women within the coffee industry can share their success stories, educating and inspiring women in various roles throughout the industry. The movement #coffeetoo was designed to counter the threat of harassment and assault in the industry across the world.

In Summary 

While there are organisations working to improve the opportunities and basic rights of women within the coffee industry, there is a lot of room for growth. It’s essential that those in the coffee industry work together, uniting across the coffee chain in order to tackle the issues regarding inequality. From the plantations to the coffee shops, and from individual businesses to large coffee traders, everyone has a responsibility to ensure that women are no longer treated as anything more than a primary labour force, and are offered the same opportunities as their male counterparts. As the research proved, this will not only benefit the female workers but the coffee industry as a whole.

What we can offer

Wellbeing Group offer of Fairtrade coffee beans and a Fairtrade coffee blend. By choosing Fairtrade coffee products you will be supporting coffee farmers and helping them to fight the challenges they are facing. For more information on our Fairtrade products, or our coffee machines, call us today on 01905 675965 or pop an email to and we’ll get back to you shortly.

Disposable Cups vs Reusable mugs

Boiling Water Taps

Water Dispensers

Coffee Machines

Vending Machines

Coffee & Consumables

Service & Maintenance

Disposable Cups vs Reusable Mugs

Everyone from David Attenborough to Starbucks is saying it – we need to reduce waste to protect the environment – and with 12.7 million tonnes of plastic finding its way into the ocean each year, people are finally starting to take notice.  So which is best, Disposable Cups vs Reusable mugs?

Although an initial proposal of charging 25p for disposable cups (known as the ‘latte levy‘) failed to get government backing, a host of major companies have begun banning single-use cups from their establishments, including the BBC, Waitrose and Network Rail. Meanwhile, coffee shops such as Starbucks are trialling their own 5p charge for disposable cups.

But is this really the best option for offices and businesses? We decided to take a deeper look at the differences between disposable and reusable cups, to determine which one is really the more eco-friendly option for your business.

Disposable Cups

Can they be recycled?

While technically single-use paper cups can be recycled, the truth is they very rarely are. Due to the plastic polythene lining, they must be collected separately from other waste and taken to one of 3 plants across the UK that are able to separate the plastic and paper, so the paper can be recycled. Of the 2.5 billion paper cups disposed of every year, less than 1% are recycled. The rest end up as discarded litter on our streets, in ever-growing landfill sites, or even making their way to the sea.

What’s the carbon footprint?

Disposable cups are usually made from “virgin paper”, which is freshly produced paper, straight from the tree. This means trees are felled for the sole purpose of producing single-use cups, that could well end up in landfill sites after one latte.

However, once the production process is complete the carbon footprint of disposable cups can be kept reasonably small. Lightweight and easy to store, far more paper cups can be transported than ceramic mugs by the same vessel of transport. Once they have been used they don’t require any further washing and therefore the energy consumption stops there.

What are the advantages?

Because single-use paper cups don’t require washing it will save your company money on energy bills, as well as saving your employees’ time.

On the subject of saving money, paper cups are far cheaper to replenish than ceramic mugs. If ceramic mugs are in an environment where there is a high risk of them getting lost or broken, it could end up costing you a fortune to keep replacing them.

Wellcafe Cups

Reusable Cups & Mugs

Can they be recycled?

Reusable cups, which are usually ceramic, cannot be recycled at all. Of course there is the option of upcycling (repurposing old items) – such as creating plant pots or desk tidies out of old or damaged cups.

What’s the carbon footprint?

Ceramic mugs not only have a much higher carbon footprint at the manufacturing stage, they also continue to contribute to energy consumption throughout the remainder of their lifespan due to being cleaned at high temperatures. Many reusable mugs also take up more space in transportation and require more packaging to protect against damage.

What’s the carbon footprint?

Ceramic mugs not only have a much higher carbon footprint at the manufacturing stage, they also continue to contribute to energy consumption throughout the remainder of their lifespan due to being cleaned at high temperatures. Many reusable mugs also take up more space in transportation and require more packaging to protect against damage.

What’s the advantages?

Although the carbon footprint of one ceramic cup is much higher than one disposable cup, there is a break-even point, one report says after 39 uses ceramic mugs become the more eco-friendly option but others have suggested it can take many more than this.

If you’re willing to take care of your reusable cups and mugs, and invest time and money into keeping them clean, then these are the more eco-friendly option.

Is there an environmentally friendly disposable cup?

Believe it or not, there is! Our Edenware disposable cups are fully compostable. This is because the cups are made from food safe cardboard and are lined with a fully biodegradable plant-based Polylactic Acid (PLA). PLA is biodegradable plastic derived from renewable plant-based sources such as cornstarch, and only takes as little as six months to fully decompose in a composting facility.

These Edenware cups bring together “the best of both worlds” – They’re cheaper to buy in bulk than reusable cups, have a low carbon footprint per cup, don’t require cleaning, and are biodegradable, so they won’t bring unnecessary harm to the environment! Plus with a variety of options from the compact 8oz Single Wall Edenware Cups to the Edenware 12oz ‘go large’ option there is sure to be a cup to suit your office requirements.

Reusable Mugs

In Summary

Disposable Cups


  • Don’t get recycled, contributing to landfill and litter
  • Contribute to deforestation
  • Are rarely made from recycled materials


  • Cheap to buy in bulk
  • Have lower carbon footprint per cup
  • Easy to store
  • Don’t require cleaning

Reusable Cups & Mugs Cups


  • Can’t be recycled
  • More costly
  • Take up more space for storage
  • Require ongoing cleaning


  • Lower carbon footprint over their lifespan
  • Doesn’t require fresh paper to be made

Or for a cup that provides the best of both take a look at our range of fully compostable Edenware Cups.

If you need help deciding which coffee, water and disposable supplies would be best for your workplace, why not get in touch with our team today and find out how Wellbeing can help you!

Choosing The Right Coffee Shop Equipment for Your Coffee Business

Choosing The Right Coffee Shop Equipment for Your Coffee Business

Boiling Water Taps

Water Dispensers

Coffee Machines

Vending Machines

Coffee & Consumables

Service & Maintenance

Choosing The Right Equipment for Your Coffee Shop

After choosing your coffee shop location you will need to pay attention to the coffee shop equipment.

It is easy for the inexperienced coffee business owner to buy the wrong or unnecessary coffee equipment which is a waste of needed cash. You don’t have to waste your money.

 Developing your coffee shop concept, developing a business plan with a budget and making good coffee equipment decisions, will help you maximize your money.

 A lot of independent coffee shops don’t last long because the owner loves coffee but doesn’t pay enough attention to the finance side, so get a good advisor early on!

You need to have a menu that is appealing to your client base and your menu will determine what coffee equipment you will need.

Espresso Coffee Machines
Coffee Shop

Most coffee shops will require the following coffee equipment as standard:

Traditional or commercial espresso machine

Consider how many group heads you think you will need, don’t spend the extra on a 3 group head if you aren’t going to make use of it.

Industrial coffee bean grinder

This could be manual or grind on demand, grind on demand will cost more but they can waste less coffee.

Knock out drawer

Under grinder type make good use of space or the Cafelat tubbi type are easy to keep clean

Barista tools

Milk foaming jugs (have a couple of sizes)

Coffee tamper and tamping mat

Barista towels and apron

Filter coffee brewer

Some clients may request a long black coffee, filter coffee is the quickest option for this and it tastes good too, these don’t need to be expensive.

Arizona Hot Water Boiler

You need a mains fed water boiler that fills up automatically, don’t fall into the trap of purchasing a cheap boiler which is a false economy, they won’t last long and can impact productivity.

Other areas you will need to look into:

  • Furniture & Fixtures
  • Prepping table, if you are making your own food this will need to have a dedicated table.
  • Commercial refrigerator
  • Three-Compartment sink, essential as you will always have to wash and rinse dishes and also have a separate hand washing sink
  • A mains water feed and drain for your sink and coffee machine

Although many people have their own ideas, some of the basic coffee shop sundries will include:

  • Good quality Arabica blend of coffee beans, don’t skimp on buying cheap beans as this is your no1 product and needs to taste right.
  • Decaf coffee pods, a very convenient way of providing a decent decaf coffee, you will need a different group head filter basket for these.
  • Everyday tea and fruit teas, the Clipper Fairtrade range is a good place for you to start, don’t offer too much to start with as you will end up with old stocks.
  • Flavouring coffee syrups, a great way to quickly expand your menu
  • Sugar sticks and sweeteners
  • Crockery, this needs to be good quality such as the Porcelite range, these have a guarantee and they won’t scratch easily.

You will need some level of barista training to be able to serve consistent quality drinks, for instance, if you’re looking for a commercial coffee machine in Worcester or surrounding areas, our team of coffee experts can help you with barista training, this may need to be repeated every year as new teams come into your coffee shop.

Coffee Art
Coffee Shop

You can browse our range of Coffee Machines to select your favourite. Get in touch with our friendly knowledgeable sales team who can advise on the best options based on your specifications. 01905 337187

Office Coffee Culture

100% Arabica Coffee Beans

100% Arabica Coffee Beans

Boiling Water Taps

Water Dispensers

Coffee Machines

Vending Machines

Coffee & Consumables

Service & Maintenance

100% Arabica Coffee Beans

We’re very proud of our carefully selected, Fairtrade 100% Arabica coffee beans blend

Of course we are going to say this, which is why you have to try these new coffee beans for yourself!  The team worked with our roasters and create the perfect blend of beans to work in harmony with our latest commercial bean to cup coffee machines, and of course taste fabulous! Wellbeing Groups new coffee beans are called Torino, named after the capital city of the Piemonte region of north-western Italy.

What the experts had to say about our new 100% Arabica coffee beans

Wellbeing Group asked an official Q Grader (coffee expert), and our Operations Manager to assess our Torino 100% Arabica beans, which originate from Brazil and Latin America.

Here is what they had to say;

The Brazilian beans add a smooth milk chocolate flavour and a creamy texture to the body. The Latin America beans provide some bright, juicy acidity undertones with a clean fresh finish. Making this the ideal coffee for the workplace that can be enjoyed any time during the working day.

Q Grader | Rebekah

Having tested the new beans in a number of our machines. I could not be happier with the results. These beans do more than just taste great; they are by far the best coffee beans, that are compatible with our range of bean to cup coffee machines yet!

Operations Manager | R Mann


We have selected a range of coffee beans that are ideal for the office providing a great pick up and quality tatse, whether you’re into flat whites or black coffee, our own coffee belnds are available for you to buy directly from us here and at a price that is accessible for every workplace. 

100% Arabica Coffee Beans
100% Arabica Coffee Beans

Great coffee deserves a great coffee machine

Our range of commercial coffee machines provide a sleek, stylish addition for any workplace environment, with the latest technology to deliver high quality hot beverages to your employees at the touch of a button.


Commercial Bean to Cup Coffee Machines are the perfect solution for bringing fresh quality coffee into your workplace. Whether you require fresh bean coffee for your office, showroom or break out area, our bean to cup coffee machines are easy to operate and maintain, offering the full coffee house experience at the push of a button.

Our specialist coffee machine range includes models that work with granulated or fresh milk, and can brew both real leaf tea and fresh espresso coffee.

View our full range of Bean To Cup Coffee Machines here.

Office Coffee Machine
Office Coffee Machine

There are a number of important points to consider when specifying, but it’s worth starting with the following questions:

1. What type of coffee dispense and drink drink options do you require?

Depending on what type of coffee you are looking to purchase will determine what type of coffee machine is right for you. We offer Bean To Cup, Instant, Filter Brew and Filter Pack coffee machines. Bean To Cup are become the most popular as they are able to create a more barista style coffee taste and quality.

2. How many different variaties of drinks would you like your coffee machine to produce?

You may wish to provide offering your staff and guests a greater range of coffee shop style speciality beverages. We have machine that can produce classic barista coffees such as; Lattes, Cappucinos and Flat Whites. We also offer machines with the addition of chocolate to create a Mocha or a creamy hot chocolate drink. Let’s not forgot the tea lovers! We also have coffee machien with a built in tea brewer, which delivers a fresh tea leaf cuppa.

3. How many people will be using a coffee machine in your office?

Our range of coffee machines are available in different capacities to cope with the demand of any office big or small. Our helpful icons on our website help identity each products capacities by the number of staff you have in your offices.

Office Coffee Machine
Coffee Break

Useful coffee machine guides 

Our website has you the customer in mind to help the decision and ordering process very simple and clear. It has very useful icons and symbols to help identify the capabilities of each machine but also how many office staff each system is suitable for.

For our design and fit out and facilities management customers, we have also provided a clear breakdown of each coffee machine’s energy performance capabilities, dimensions and the requirements for installation, power and water supply. And of course a breakdown of purchase and lease pricing, for which we offer flexible payments plans. If there is still anything you happen to be unsure about you can still speak to our experts in a our service team to help you figure out the best coffee machine for your workplace.

Commercial Coffee Machines
Office Coffee Machines

Coffee & Beverage Options

Here at Wellbeing Group we have a commercial coffee machine that offer a wide range of barista style beverage options, so you can deliver a variety of coffee shop drinks to your staff and visitors. We also have machines that are suitable for small, medium and large offices, to cope with the usage demands in any workplace.


– Americano, black and white espresso coffee

– Latte, Cappucino, Flat White, Cortado

– Hot Chocolate, Mocha

– Fresh leaf tea, herbal teas

Check out the coffee machine that’s rigth for you here

Commercial Coffee Machine

You can browse our range of Coffee Machines to select your favourite. Get in touch with our friendly knowledgeable sales team who can advise on the best options based on your specifications. 01905 337187

Office Coffee Culture

Why coffee drinkers are more successful

Why coffee drinkers are more successful

Boiling Water Taps

Water Dispensers

Coffee Machines

Vending Machines

Coffee & Consumables

Service & Maintenance

10 Reasons why coffee drinkers are more successful

There is something about the smell of fresh coffee that aids the working day and challenges ahead. Here is some research into why coffee drinkers are more successful.

Whilst driving to work you can always spot a coffee drinker, they are bright eyed and bushy tailed with a smile. It’s not recommend to approach a non – coffee drinker till gone 9am, they can be rather grumpy and take longer to wake up.

Perhaps you drink coffee all the time or merely sometimes, yet do not quite fully understand how pivotal it is to your success. If so, here are 10 reasons why coffee drinkers are better to work with.

1.    Coffee drinkers are more physically active

Caffeine is fuel for life. It increases adrenaline levels in our bodies which heighten our physical performance. A cup of coffee an hour before a long tedious meeting that could have been an email, or our weekly venture to the local supermarket, comes highly recommend.

2.    Coffee lovers have fewer health risks 

Those of us who drink coffee, tend to have much lower health risks and be less prone to illnesses, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and many others. Wellbeing Group plan on highlighting these with proven research and studies which have been carried out. So watch this space.

3.    Coffee makes you more intelligent  

Caffeine in coffee blocks the adenosine in the brain, which is an inhibitory transmitter. Which means it improves your reaction times and memory.  

Office Coffee
Office Coffee Machine

4.    Coffee aids your grey matter

Coffee is proven to fight brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Coffee drinkers are less likely to have Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, which is fantastic news as there are no cures currently.

5.    Coffee beans make for happy workers

Drinking cups of coffee maintains high spirts, as it makes you 10 percent less likely to be depresso. This may not be linked to the caffeine; researchers have stated – this is due to the anti-oxidants found in the coffee beans.

6.    Coffee worshipers can drink more coffee

People who drink coffee tend to live longer, enjoying a cup of coffee is not just great for your taste buds. Coffee drinkers are less susceptible to negative effects of heart disease, cholesterol intake and blood pressure, which are all causes of premature death.

7.    Coffee can keep you in shape

They tend not to be obese. In nearly all fat burning supplements, you will find caffeine. Studies show that caffeine burns fat and boosts your metabolic rate by 3-11% and increases fat burning by a huge 10-29% 

Office Coffee Culture
Office Coffee

8.    Coffee people are interesting and fun to be around

Team players and love to engage in others discussions and activities. A study in the UK resulted in a conclusion that people who drink coffee, are more exciting to work with. Adding a lot more fun to the workplace.

9.    Coffee enthusiasts earn more money

You guessed it based on a study on worker’s in the United Kingdom. Coffee drinkers genuinely earn a huge £2,000 more than their nemesis who drinks tea. It was discovered that coffee drinkers are more likely to be on time for work as well. 

10.  Coffee equals success and high achievement 

Drinking coffee is somewhat a factor of becoming a high achiever. Where time is money something as simply drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, to kick start your day can actually give you that extra edge. Rather than rolling out of bed, they spring out of it, ready to meet the challenges of a new day and the aims one wishes to achieve.

Office Coffee Machine

Office Coffee Machines

Here at Wellbeing Group we have a commercial coffee machine that offer a wide range of barista style beverage options, so you can deliver a variety of coffee shop drinks to your staff and visitors. We also have machines that are suitable for small, medium and large offices, to cope with the usage demands in any workplace.


– Americano, black and white espresso coffee

– Latte, Cappucino, Flat White, Cortado

– Hot Chocolate, Mocha

– Fresh leaf tea, herbal teas

Check out the coffee machine that’s rigth for you here

Commercial Coffee Machine

You can browse our range of Coffee Machines to select your favourite. Get in touch with our friendly knowledgeable sales team who can advise on the best options based on your specifications. 01905 337187

Office Coffee Culture

Jura WE8 Coffee Machine

Jura WE8 Coffee Machine

Boiling Water Taps

Water Dispensers

Coffee Machines

Vending Machines

Coffee & Consumables

Service & Maintenance

The Jura WE8 Coffee Machine

Jura WE8

Bean To Cup Coffee Machine

Our Jura commercial coffee machine range offers everything needed by staff for coffee shop quality coffee, in a large office or break-out room.

Purchase Price


Lease p/w Price



Jura WE8, is for the team who appreciates the finer things in life, providing a wide choice of speciality coffees and aesthetics everyone will love.

An elegant professional coffee machine which is an ideal solution for locations where around 35 speciality coffees are consumed per day. The one-Touch function creates trend specialities like latte macchiato, flat white or cappuccino very simply at the touch of a button.

JURA has perfected the complete brewing process for short speciality coffees, allowing the WE line to make them to professional barista standard every time! The six-level AromaG3 grinder ensures that the coffee is optimally ground. It always grinds the beans fresh, quickly yet gently to preserve the aroma.


– 2.8″ Touchscreen Display
– Height adjustment dual spout with fine foam technology
– Simple and fast one touch function
– Intelligent water system to detect impurities
– Spill resistant drip tray
– Intuitive operation

Other Models:

Jura Giga X8 Pro

Jura Giga X3 Pro


Cups Per Day




Water Tank Capacity

3 Litres

Max Power Consumption


Dimensions (mm)

H419 x W295 x D444

Design, Build &

Fit-Out Partners

Wellbeing Group work with designers and architects to integrate stylish, innovative coffee and hydration solutions, to compliment the design & build of new office workspaces or social and kitchen areas.
Discover more on how we can help you deliver coffee & water facilities to complement any new office fit-out.

What our customers say...

" So helpful, friendly and knowledgeable, took the time to show us all the functions on the machine nothing was too much trouble… a credit to the Wellbeing family. "

" High quality products with brilliant customer service. Everyone you deal with from initial contact to the installer are knowledgeable, friendly and extremely helpful. I would recommend this company to anyone. "

" Excellent company to deal with, sales people very helpful and after our coffee machine and Billi tap were installed their after care was superb. Products are very good quality and any breakdowns are dealt with very quickly. The service technicians are also very friendly! "
